Wealth via Persistence
As you seek to gain wealth, would you consider yourself a tortoise, or a hare?
Are you in it for the long run, or are you a splash in the pan?
Seminar speakers touting how to get rich by, for example, investing in real estate, the stock market, buying gold, etc, will tell you 95% plus of those attending their seminars will not be successful in their endeavors to create wealth by following the instructor’s course materials.
Why is that? And what would you say is the single most significant reason for this failure rate? Well, the title of this article pretty much gives it away; doesn’t it?
Yep, it is the lack of persistence and follow-through that kills the deal. Some have spent thousands of dollars for the books, tapes, and CDs that go with attending the seminars, and never even get around to reading the books, listening to the tapes, or listening to the CDs.
These seminar attendees leave the seminar excited, fully motivated, hopeful, and with the best of intentions. How else could you explain their writing a check for, say, $2,000 to $3,000? But the vision.. the excitement… the enthusiasm… fades with each passing day… week… month…. year. So what’s lacking here? Again, it is “persistence”.
Perhaps the power of persistence can best be summarized in the quote below.
Press On:
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not: Unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and Determination alone are omnipotent.
Author Unknown
Does the above strike a chord with you? If so, try this quote, because it can be tied in with “Persistence”.
Routine Brings Results!!!
A disorganized genius is no match for the average person with a daily routine.
Robert Allen
Now tie these two concepts in with this blog’s articles… “Wealth Vitamins”… “Why A Lighthouse”…. “Millionaire Talk”, and “Herb’s Letter”. Then supplement this material with other media along these lines, and you could be well on your way to living a more focused, meaningful, and successful life.
In short, your success could very well be a function of Persistence!
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