A Consultant’s $25,000 Idea
Question: Would you pay $25,000 for an idea that could help you become wealthy?
Well, stay tuned and read about a $25,0000 Secret Wealth Building Formula: that is what this topic is all about!
I have talked about “Wealth Vitamins”, Goal Setting (“Lighthouse”), Motivation (“Herb’s Letter”), “Persistence”, and a Wealth Platform to fish for money from (Millionaire Talk). So what’s missing, topically speaking?
What next topic would you pick to round out this discussion? There are several that come to my mind, but the one I want to focus on now would be that of taking action!
So what if I gave you a secret formula, or an action plan that could greatly increase your effectiveness in obtaining your primary goal in life? I am talking about an action plan… and a formula that could prove invaluable in your quest for financial freedom. In fact, without it, you might as well forget achieving that objective!
This formula/action plan is what a Corporate CEO paid money to a management consultant… he wrote a check in the amount of $25,000! Now, how much would you pay? i.e., if I offered it to you right now for $25, sight unseen, would you risk the purchase? Well, not to worry. I am giving it to you for FREE! I call this the $25,000 idea. Here’s the true story, and the concept:
The Story:
A well-know industrialist (Charles Schwab) once hired a management consultant (Ivy Lee) to improve his firm’s productivity. Mr. Lee proceeded to outline several ideas on how to manage more effectively, and then waited for the CEO’s response. However, Mr. Schwab was not at all impressed! In fact, Mr. Schwab said to Mr. Lee: “We already KNOW more than what we are actually doing, so we don’t need more know how!!! What we need is more DOING!!! If you can show me how to accomplish more “doing”, I’ll pay you what ever I think the idea is worth!!
Mr. Lee then offered this plan: He told Mr. Schwab: (1) take out a pencil and paper; (2) now write down the six most important things that you need to accomplish tomorrow; (3) now number them in the order of their importance.
Now, starting tomorrow, start with number one, and stay with it until you are finished with it; then go to number two. Sure, there will be interruptions and other things that pop up to take you away from this task. But when you have taken care of these distractions, go right back to your list, and complete that first task. Then move on to the second task. At the end of the day, if you haven’t completed all six priorities, you at least have the satisfaction of knowing that the most important ones were accomplished first. Besides, if you couldn’t have completed all six items using this method, you wouldn’t have accomplished them using any other method.
Mr. Schwab implemented this plan throughout his firm. After a few months, he sent Mr. Lee a check in the amount of $25,000 with a note that said: “from a money stand point, this was the most profitable management tool that he had ever used”! Now this was during the industrial revolution. If that idea was worth $25,000 to him then, what would it be worth in today’s inflated economy? Factoring in inflation, dare I suggest that it might be referred to as a $250,000 idea?
Disappointed? Expected more?
Now you may well say “this is nothing new; I have used a “To Do List” for years…. I have even seen memo pads in office supply stores with a “To Do” title as a header. True, but does any such list that you have used in the past instruct you to assign priorities, and not go to item number two until item one is completed? And have you even been utilizing a daily “To Do” list? And if so, have you done so by sticking with the most important item, before moving on to the next one? If not, do see the potential here for increasing your productivity? Maybe yes… maybe no… but as Paul Harvey would say: “Now you know the rest of the story“.
Bottom line, nothing happens without taking action. We set our goals, become motivated to achieve them, and then take the required action to do just that. And then we back that action up with persistence to the point that we will not quit, or be denied the obtainment of our desires. I liken it to dripping water wearing away the hardest rock over a period of time. The rock is the obstacle that is keeping us from our goal. And the dripping water demonstrates the persistence required to over-come obstacles in our way.
One ingredient that I have left out of this discussion…. you need a platform to work from. i.e. a proven system that you can implement to achieve your objective. A McDonalds Franchise could be your platform, if you have around half a million or more to get it up and running. In fact, the number of platforms for you to choose from is practically unlimited. As a starting point of exploration, why not try out this platform at Millionaire Talk i.e., go back to my Home Page, and click on “Millionaire Talk”.
. What ever your choice… get started… take action!
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